RGV Schlaube Oderland e.V.

Seestraße 7, 15295 Brieskow-Finkenheerd


Dienstag bis Freitag 10 h – 15 h

und nach Vereinbarung


033609 – 72 88 11




German-Polish Day of Rescuers

German-Polish Day of Rescuers

The German-Polish Rescuers' Day, Culture and Sports Day was primarily aimed at familiarising firefighters from the Brieskow-Finkenheerd district, the city of Slubice and the commune of Cybinka with each other and working together. The German and Polish colleagues tested a joint approach in simulated hazardous situations. The meeting was accompanied by colourful activities on the sports field in Groß Lindow. Helicopter flights were offered as a special attraction. Project of the RGV Schlaube Oderland e.V. supported by: Euroregion PRO EUROPA VIADRINA, Amt Brieskow-Finkenheerd, City of Slubice, Municipality of Cybinka. Financed by: Small project fund of the Euroregion PRO EUROPA VIADRINA from the cooperation programme INTERREG V A Brandenburg-Poland 2014-2020 within the framework of the European Territorial Cooperation
